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“Should You Rent or Buy? A Comprehensive Guide”


Renting vs. Owning a Home: What’s the Difference?

Buying a home is a significant decision and commitment. If you’re a renter who has been told that you’re wasting money or aren’t successful if you haven’t bought a home yet, don’t worry. Renting makes sense for certain situations and locations, such as for people in expensive big cities, those who move for work, or those who need time to save for a down payment. Renting offers flexibility, with low-commitment leases and few, if any, maintenance and repair costs.

Homeownership anchors you to a location for longer, and you’re responsible for repairs—plus hefty upfront expenses like down payments and closing costs. However, buying allows you to make a place your own, with no time limits on how long you can stay. You also build equity, which you can use to borrow against or profit from when you sell. Homeownership can be truly rewarding if you know where your budget and credit stand and you’ve considered all advantages and drawbacks.

Pros and Cons of Renting a Home

Renting can be a solid solution, especially in the short term, but there are benefits and drawbacks to consider.


  • Flexibility and freedom: Renting isn’t a major commitment and won’t tie you down nearly as much as owning. Leases often only last a year, and breaking a lease is easier than selling a home. Some landlords even allow month-to-month renting.
  • Minimal maintenance: Landlords are generally required to handle repairs for tenants, and some pay for maintenance like lawn care. For homeowners, all maintenance and repair costs come out of pocket unless you have a warranty or something is covered by homeowners insurance.
  • Credit matters less: While poor credit may disqualify you from renting, the landlord may be lenient if you have solid income or a reference. The credit and other financial requirements for a mortgage are far stricter.
  • Easier to save: Renters aren’t responsible for paying fees such as property taxes or homeowners insurance premiums, which can lower the cost of housing. Additionally, getting roommates can bring rent down to a fraction of a mortgage payment.


  • Lack of financial incentives: When you leave a rental, you don’t get any rent money back. Renters also can’t take advantage of homeowner tax deductions. On top of that, landlords don’t usually report rent to credit bureaus.
  • Rent increases: Unless you’re in rent-controlled housing, you may be subjected to regular rent increases. Rent increases are out of your control and can make budgeting tricky—or force you to move.
  • Less housing security: Your landlord doesn’t have to renew your lease. They may decide to sell the property or move in themselves, or they could price you out with rent increases.
  • Minimal personalization: Renting limits your ability to make your space your own, with leases limiting everything from pets to aesthetic tweaks.

Pros and Cons of Buying a Home

Buying a home is a complicated decision that’s full of potential benefits and pitfalls.


  • Building wealth: Every mortgage payment builds equity and brings you closer to full ownership. If your home appreciates in value, you could profit upon selling. Additionally, you can borrow against your equity.
  • Tax breaks: Only homeowners can take advantage of property tax deductions and claim mortgage interest deductions on taxes.
  • Freedom to customize: Your home is your own, and you’re free to renovate it. Those improvements can also boost the home’s value.
  • Positive effect on credit: Mortgage payments are added to your credit report. If you consistently make on-time payments, you may improve your credit score.


  • Extra costs: Expenses beyond a mortgage payment add up quickly. There’s a down payment, closing costs, property taxes, homeowners insurance, and more. Repairs also get expensive fast, and with no landlord, it’s all on you.
  • Potential decline in value: Home values often appreciate, but not always. Your neighborhood could become less desirable, or the housing market may decline.
  • Difficulty relocating: Selling a home is a more complicated and expensive endeavor than ending a lease. You may be responsible for paying closing costs, transfer tax, real estate agent commissions, and other fees once the sale goes through.

Is It Cheaper to Own a Home or Rent?

In general, the short-term costs of renting are far lower than the costs of buying a home. When you look at the big picture, however, a mortgage could be cheaper in the long run. For as long as you rent, you’ll be making a monthly payment. With a mortgage, you should eventually finish making payments, decreasing your costs. Additionally, if you take out a fixed-rate mortgage, your payments stay steady throughout the life of your loan, while rent can—and likely will—increase over time.

Should I Rent or Buy a Home?

There are compelling pros and cons for both renting and buying, and what’s right for you depends on your unique situation. Just because renting is cheaper in the short term doesn’t mean you shouldn’t consider buying a home, though leaping into a mortgage isn’t always the right move either. You have to consider your financial situation and goals, the cost of renting and buying in the local real estate market, and the terms of a mortgage you can qualify for.

To determine if you’re prepared for a mortgage, assess what you’ve saved for a down payment and what you could reasonably afford for a monthly payment. Leave enough room in your budget for other home-related expenses, like closing costs, ongoing maintenance, and savings for repairs. Don’t forget to include non-house savings, necessities, debt payments, or any other financial goals. If buying would create too much of a strain now, there’s nothing wrong with continuing to rent while you save and build more financial cushion.

Consider Your Credit Before Buying

When mortgage lenders review your application, they closely scrutinize your credit, so it’s essential to check your credit report before house shopping. Your credit and other factors, such as your debt-to-income ratio, are important to lenders deciding whether to approve your mortgage application and what interest rate and terms to grant you. If there are blemishes in your credit history, it’s best to work on them before applying since a lower interest rate could save you thousands over the life of your mortgage.

For any mortgage service needs, call O1ne Mortgage at 213-732-3074. We are here to help you make the best decision for your financial future.
